
There is limited space for extra luggage. Please pack lightly, for this is only a three-day trip. Everyone will have to carry their bag until we reach our destination.  Suitcases, and anything larger than a standard-size duffel bag will be left behind. PACKING LIST

Cabin and Car Assignments

For this retreat, we have booked 6 vans. All guests under the age of 18 will be in a van. We will, however, NOT release car and room assignments beforehand. This is to ensure that we focus on the quality of the retreat and relationship building.

This is a set price and as many of you are aware, inflation has made all activities, foods, and lodgings almost triple their original price. Please be mindful that we did our very best to ensure the quality of the trip was maintained while also keeping costs low. Any additional questions on this please email ruqayah@arkanum.net 

The kids will be staying in cabins for this trip which are heated. Please note that this trip is supposed to have camping themes, so a sleeping bag and pillow are necessary! 

Please note that kids will have limited use of their phones at the camp, so: parents will be updated by each cohort in their WhatsApp Group chats. 

It will be chilly and we will be doing a lot of physical activities so make sure to dress warm and wear strong sturdy sneakers/hiking shoes

If your child has any sort of physical impairment that restricts them from doing physical activities please LET US KNOW IMMEDIATELY.

All food will be prepared on site and all meals including meat will be halal

Can my child attend Sunday only? 

Yes. However, you will have to drop him/her off at the camp. We will do our best to arrange car pooling for those who would like to come on Sunday only. Please add your name to the list.

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