​   Advocating for Palestinian Rights: 

A Call for Justice and Equality


To our Dear Community, Family, Brothers and Sisters:

Our organization deeply acknowledges the profound sorrow that has gripped our community. The ongoing surge of violence and airstrikes in Gaza has caused immeasurable grief and mourning among our brothers and sisters. Many of us have loved ones in Palestine who have directly felt the impact of these brutal attacks. Some among us have experienced the painful loss of family and friends due to the conflict. Some have also had to confront the distressing repercussions of anti-Palestinian and anti-Muslim sentiments here in our own community. Collectively, we all share in the heartbreak as we witness the suffering of our Palestinian siblings.

At Arkanum, we stand unwaveringly with our community during this harrowing period, and we extend our support and services to all those affected by the recent tragedies and their aftermath.

We have noticed an uptick in reported incidents of bullying and harassment among our youth, and in response to this pressing concern, we will be organizing nightly Zoom sessions for the next week. These gatherings will provide a safe space for community members to come together, exchange their experiences, access valuable resources, and offer mutual support. We warmly welcome everyone to join us in these sessions, where we can collectively address the challenges we face during this difficult time.

With Love,

The Ark Team

Let's Unite for Solidarity, Peace and Change.

Here is the link for the community Zoom call which will be held tonight (10/18), and every night, from 8:30pm to 9:00 pm


If you or anyone you know has experienced discrimination, harassment, bullying, or hate speech/ a hate crime, please reach out to CAIR-MA and submit an incident report. It is important that all Muslims in the Boston community know their rights. Finally, CAIR National has issued a Recent Guidance for Students Targeted Due to Islamophobia, Palestine Rights Advocacy. Please see the link here


  1. Pray: Make extra dua'a.
  2. Give: Donate to a trusted organization on the ground providing humanitarian assistance to Gaza (see below). Be creative and create your own fundraiser to help the people of Palestine (donation jars at your local Muslim stores, host bake sales, sell handmade arts and crafts on Etsy, etc)!
  3. Learn: Educate yourself on the history and facts as well as the roots of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (UN History Of Israel and Palestine). A great book we would like to suggest on the topic is “On Palestine,” by Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappe.
  4. Protest: Some members of our community have participated in recent protests in Harvard Square and Copley Square calling for humanitarian assistance and an immediate ceasefire in Palestine. We invite you to join us in future protests.
  5. Advocate: During our Zoom calls, we will discuss how you can organize and advocate for change. We will discuss ideas on how to educate our community and neighbors on the facts surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We will learn about media messaging and how to dispel false claims and combat fear mongering tactics.
  6. Take Civic Action: We can start by reaching out to our local representatives to call for an immediate ceasefire and for leaders to allow urgent humanitarian aid to enter Gaza. We urge everyone to please sign the following petitions demanding the international community, Congress, and President Joe Biden to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza:

Oxfam International Petition: Call for a Ceasefire Now

MoveOn.org Petition Demanding President Joe Biden to Call for An Immediate Ceasefire 

Jewish Voices for Peace - Take Action - Write to Congress

More Resources!


CAIR Issues Guidance for Students Targeted Due to Islamophobia, Palestine Rights Advocacy

Read Here

Lecture 1

Adapt these three columns to fit your design need. To duplicate, delete or move columns, select the column and use the top icons to perform your action.

Lecture 2

To add a fourth column, reduce the size of these three columns using the right icon of each block. Then, duplicate one of the columns to create a new one as a copy.

Feature Three

Delete the above image or replace it with a picture that illustrates your message. Click on the picture to change its rounded corner style.